Review: Koush Hollow

Author: Leigh GoffFormat: ePub/eARC provided by Parliament House PressPublication Date: August 25, 2020 After her father’s untimely death, Jenna Ashby moves to Koush Hollow, a bayou town outside of New Orleans, dreading life with her wealthy mother. As the sixteen-year-old eco-warrior is introduced to the Diamonds & Pearls, her mother’s exclusive social club, she comes to … Continue reading Review: Koush Hollow

Why I cover my books, why you should too, and how

Welcome to the second edition of the Wave of the Week where I post polls about bookish topics! For this week, I asked my bookstagram friends whether or not they do a habit of mine before reading a book: covering it with plastic. Apparently, most of them - that's 61% of the respondents - don't! … Continue reading Why I cover my books, why you should too, and how