F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Book Tag

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I’m midway my FRIENDS rewatch and I realized I haven’t got a blog post for today yet and I had the most brilliant idea ever. That’s right, write the report I should have finished writing last week. Kidding aside, let’s do the FRIENDS book tag: for each character in the 90s sitcom, there is a question relating to a book and one relating to me as a reader. Here we go!


my team always wins

A book based on a competition: Coraline by Neil Gaiman Coraline Jones is trapped in an alternate reality woven by an ancient darkness who calls herself the Other Mother (other call her The Beldam) and the only way to free herself from her clutches is by outwitting the Other Mother in her own twisted treasure hunt. The price: her parents’ safe return, her freedom and her life.

Organization Queen- How do you organize your books? My shelves are organized by genre: middle grades in one section, young adult in another. The works of my favorite authors – Tolkien, Gaiman, Schwab – get special levels all to themselves. I also have shelves for ongoing series.


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A book you read for the hype: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children It was 2016 and the movie just came out. Well into my first job, I felt like spending because why not. The trailer seemed interesting but there’s no way I’m watching the movie with the flying girl walking in a sunken ship as though it was dry land and other X-men kids until I read the book! And I’ve heard there were black and white photos to go with the stories! I made my best friend convince me not to buy the entire book set and she succeeded but as soon as she was out of sight, I ran back to the bookstore to get it.

Shopping Addict- What makes you buy a book? Bookstagram. I’m kidding. This will probably sound cheesy but if I feel a spark — of interest, curiosity, or even hatred — when I read the blurb, then that’s a keeper for me.


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A science fiction book: The Fifth Season If I get a penny for every time I recommend this book/series, I’d be rich (NK Jemisin, notice me, senpai?). The Fifth Season is the sci-fi salad — great premise which the plot characters, and world-building follows through. Let there be a world wracked by earthquakes and eruptions, and let there be a race of humans with power over the very earth. But also, let that race be the most hated, marginalized and ostracized minority. We follow a mother’s quest to find her daughter, a young woman’s journey to fulfill her lot in life, and a little girl’s endeavor to earn her place. The system of science-magic is so interesting I just fell right into its world and never really came out.

On a break- Which books have you put down to pick back up later? Nevernight by Jay Kristoff Oh, gentlefriends! Oh reader! It took me a whole month to get through the entire book. And what do you know, I also am on a break with Godsgrave!


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A book that made you laugh out loud: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson Kelsier’s band of allomancers may be out to overthrow a tyrant but that doesn’t stop them from exuding an air of sassy, amusing sarcasm. And me being me, I would spend five minutes laughing at each snide remark. Besides, the writing is superb I had enough brain cells to spare for the humor.

That time at Space Mountain- Are there any books you’re embarrassed to admit you’ve read? I used to but now I am proud to have read everything I’ve read. Said books pertain to the Twilight Saga. Whenever somebody asked what I’m reading, I’ll be on defense mode, quickly stating that I’m doing this for science. To see if I’ll actually hate it. But oh boy, now I am proud to have read all the Sarah J. Maas books I went through! Yeah, I know Stephenie Meyer wrote Twilight.


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A scary book you’d keep in the freezer: Salem’s Lot by Stephen King It was a rainy July in 2018 and we couldn’t go out to fly our drones. My partner and I were stuck in our small barracks. It was cold and all I had was Salem’s Lot, where a mysterious stranger with ancient and evil secret, moves into the long abandoned manor in the Lot. It was absolutely terrifying to watch an entire town unravel before my eyes as the menace creeps upon every household, every person…

V is for Encyclopedia- As an adult, have you read any books with words you had to look up to understand? Definitely! I usually just use context clues to figure the meaning out but there’s always Google for harder words.


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A book with a spiritual or supernatural theme: Wounded Little Gods by Eliza Victoria is not only about the supernatural, it’s rooted in Filipino mythology! Regina follows a note written by an colleague who recently disappeared back to her hometown where gods and spirits walk the earth.

The boycott- Are there any authors, booksellers or publishers you refuse to support? Yes, authors who are transphobic such as JK Rowling. I loved and still love Harry Potter. Unfortunately, it was written by a trans exclusionary radical feminist. She had another book coming out later this year – a children’s book – and I wanted to read it but then her sexist tweets came along and there went my plans.

Aaaaand that’s the tag! I hope you guys, especially fans of the sitcom found this as fun as I did.

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